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Banksy across the street from my office

1:21 PM Erin Archuleta 4 Comments Category : , ,

Whoa, Thursday, you're suddenly kind of a big deal.

Click to enlarge Banksy's art here in the Mission. 



  1. Wow, sharp eyes Erin! Like 826 Valencia needed to be even MORE awesome.

  2. wow i had no idea you had a blog. will be checking in on it. i came by this via the rumpus.

    i'm a huge banksy fan-- i even used one of his images as my first album cover. looks like i gotta get down to the mission today.

    thanks! hope you're doing well. lenny and i will be back in 826 soon.


  3. Did you actually verify this is BANKSY by asking BANKSY? hmmm....dunno if this is really 4 realz or simple BANKSY-like, sfist.com can't even verify authenticity here.
